What is the All about Algae report all about?
- Algae are the world's most important organisms. Not just because they supply almost 70% of all the oxygen in our atmosphere, but they also contribute to a wide variety of beneficial products and solutions.
- All about Algae is the first compendium that provides a definitive guide on algae, its current & emerging uses and applications, details on cultivation and harvesting, latest research on algae across the world and finally exciting business opportunities.

Who Will Benefit the Most from the All about Algae Guide?
All about Algae will benefit a wide range of people interested in algae:
- Entrepreneurs keen on knowing the range of attractive business opportunities
- Researchers keen on knowing ongoing and emerging research domains in algae
- Companies and professionals keen on knowing the main technologies behind algae cultivation and harvesting
Why is All about Algae Guide Unique?
- Simple.
While there are thousands of books, web sites and other resources on algae, no guide has comprehensively looked at algae from the angle of business and research opportunities from it. - While some industry reports claim to cover similar topics, they cost in 1000s of $. All about Algae costs just $195!
Who are the experts behind All about Algae?
- The publishers of All about Algae are Oilgae.
- Oilgae was the first team in the world, way back in 2006, to start market and business research focused on algae. Our team of management and biotech professionals have since then authored acclaimed reports on algae biofuels, algae nutraceuticals, algae-based waste water treatment, algae-based carbon capture and algae-based bioplastics & biopolymers. Our reports & research have been used by 5 of the Fortune 10 firms and 45 of the Fortune 100 firms.
- In addition, the Oilgae team has provided consulting assistance for over 30 companies worldwide on many aspects of algae business. Our web site www.oilgae.com is the web's largest portal for algae-based information and intelligence.
- The Oilgae team works out of Chennai, India.
All about Algae - List of Contents
1. Algae Classifications
- 1.1 Types of Algae
- 1.1.1 Microalgae and Macroalgae
- 1.1.2 Classification of Algae
- 1.1.3 Algae Facts
- 1.2 Properties of Algae
- 1.2.1 Algae Composition
- 1.2.2 Chemical Composition of Algae
- 1.2.3 Oil Content in Algae
- 1.2.4 Starch Content in Algae
2. Algae Cultivation
- 2.1 Cultivation
- 2.1.1 Algae Habitats
- 2.1.2 Open Ponds
- 2.1.3 Photobiorectors
- 2.1.4 Algae Cultivation in Oceans
- 2.1.5 Algae Cultivation in Sewage
- 2.2 Algae Harvesting
- 2.2.1 Filtration
- 2.2.2 Centrifuge
- 2.2.3 Flocculation
- 2.2.4 Others
- 2.3 Algae Drying
- 2.3.1 Drum Drying
- 2.3.2 Spray Drying
- 3.1 Nutacceuticals
- 3.1.1 Spirulina
- 3.1.2 Chlorella
- 3.1.3 Omega-3
- 3.1.4 Carotenoids & Pigments
- Astaxanthin
- Beta-Carotene
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthin
- Lycopene
- Canthaxanthin
- Fucoxanthin
- Chlorophyll
- 3.1.5 Coenzyme Q10
- 3.2 Biofuels
- 3.2.1 Biodiesel
- 3.2.2 Ethanol
- 3.2.3 Other Biofuels
- 3.3 Food Additives
- 3.3.1 Agar
- 3.3.2 Alginates
- 3.3.3 Colourants - Phycocyanin
- 3.3.4 Carrageenan
- 3.4 Animal & Fish Food
- 3.4.1 Algae as Cattle Feed
- 3.4.2 Aquaculture Feed - Shrimp feed, Shellfish Feed, Marine Fish Larvae Cultivation
- 3.5 Environmental Remediation
- 3.5.1 Wastewater Treatment
- 3.5.2 Biofixation & Carbon Capture
- 3.6 Emerging Uses
- 3.6.1 Algae based Cosmetics
- 3.6.2 Algae Bioplastics & Biopolymers
- 3.6.3 Uses of Algae in Pharmaceuticals
- 3.6.4 Other Emerging Uses of Algae
- 4.1 Algae Research in Corporates
- 4.2 Algae Research in Universities
- 4.2.1 Academic Research in North America
- 4.2.2 Academic Research in Europe
- 4.2.3 Academic Research in Asia
- 4.2.4 Academic Research in Other Regions
But more than data, what will be especially useful for the reader are the unique perspectives that the report shares about each of the opportunities, based on the team's decade plus hands-on experience in the algae industry.
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The All About Algae Guide Costs US$ 195.
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List of Tables
- Table 1: Comparison of Micro and Macro Algae
- Table 2: Composition of Macroalgae
- Table 3: Pigment Composition of Algae Groups
- Table 4: Chemical Composition of Algae
- Table 5: Chemical Composition of Macroalgae
- Table 6: Open Pond Vs. Closed Bioreactors
- Table 7: Comparison of Large Scale Systems for Growing Algae
- Table 8: General Specifications of Photobioreactor
- Table 9: Comparison of Tubular and Flat Plate PBR
- Table 10: Various Proximate Analysis Results of Spirulina
- Table 11: Composition of Spirulina
- Table 12: Health Benefits of Spirulina
- Table 13: Sources for Chlorella
- Table 14: Algae Strains for Omega-3 Production
- Table 15: Algae Strains for EPA and DHA
- Table 16: Health Benefits of EPA and DHA
- Table 17: Sources for Astaxanthin Production
- Table 18: Sources for Beta Carotene
- Table 19: Algae Strains for Beta Carotene Production
- Table 20: Dunaliella Cultivation
- Table 21: Optimal Conditions for Beta Carotene Production
- Table 22: Sources for Lutein
- Table 23: Lutein Productivity and Growth Conditions
- Table 24: Sources for Zeaxanthin
- Table 25: Sources for Lycopene
- Table 26: Sources for Canthaxanthin
- Table 27: Sources for Fucoxanthin
- Table 28: Algae Strains for Fucoxanthin
- Table 29: Sources for Chlorophyll
- Table 30: Pigment Composition of Algae Groups
- Table 31: Comparison of Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel
- Table 32: Percentage Dry Weight of Oil Content in Various Crops
- Table 33: Chemical Composition of Prominent Microalgae
- Table 34: Typical Yields of Biodiesel by Crops
- Table 35: Comparison of Biomass Yield from Main Energy Crops
- Table 36: Adavantages and Disadvantages of Popular Extraction Methods
- Table 37: Annual World Ethanol Production by Country
- Table 38: Strains of Macroalgae Habing High Carbohydrate Content
- Table 39: Strains of Microalgae Having High Carbohydrate Content
- Table 40: Comparison of Cellulose Content of Algae with Other Biomass
- Table 41: Sources for Agar
- Table 42: Algae Species for Agar Production
- Table 43: Geographic Distribution of Agar Production
- Table 44: Sources for Alginates
- Table 45: Geographic Distribution of Alginate Production
- Table 46: Sources for Phycocyanin
- Table 47: Sources for Carrageenan
- Table 48: Distribution of Carrageenan Sales
- Table 49: Sources for Cattle Feed
- Table 50: Growth Parameters for Algae
- Table 51: Sources for Algae Cosmetics
- Table 52: Important Cosmetics from Algae
- Table 53: Properties of Algae Employed in Cosmetics Industry
- Table 54: Key Ingredients of Anti-cellulite Cream
- Table 55: Three Major Groups of Algae in Skin Care
- Table 56: Cosmetics Market Size Forecast
- Table 57: Role of Microalgae and Macroalgae in Pharmaceuticals
- Table 58: Antibacterial Features of Selected Compounds from Microalgae
- Table 59: Antifungal Features of Selected Compounds from Microalgae
- Table 60: Antimicroalgal Features of Seelected Compounds from Microalgae
- Table 61: Antiviral Mechanisms of Algae
- Table 62: Algae used in Anti adhesive Therapies
- Table 63: Micro and macroalgae as Neuroprotective Agents
- Table 64: Cellana Partnerships
List of Figures
- Figure 1: Algae Classification
- Figure 2: Microalgae Energy & Non-energy Products
- Figure 3: Macroalgae Energy & Non Energy Products
- Figure 4: Lipid Content of Algae
- Figure 5: Raceway Pond
- Figure 6: Tubular Photobioreactor
- Figure 7: Flat Panel Reactor
- Figure 8: Algae Municipal Wastewater Treatment
- Figure 9: Tertiary Wastewater Treatment with Microalgae
- Figure 10: Tertiary Wastewater Treatment with Microalgae
- Figure 11: HRAP System
- Figure 12: High Rate Algae Pond Design
- Figure 13: Chlorella Cultivation Process
- Figure 14: Algal DHA Production
- Figure 15: Astaxanthin Production from Haematococcus
- Figure 16: Beta Carotene Production Process
- Figure 17: World Biodiesel Production - 2005-15
- Figure 18: Biodiesel Production from Algae
- Figure 19: Supercritical Fluid Extraction
- Figure 20: Transesterification Process
- Figure 21: Algae Fermentation Process
- Figure 22: Fermentation of Left over Algae Cake
- Figure 23: Hydrogenase Mediated Hydrogen Production
- Figure 24: Hydrogen Production in Cyanobacteria
- Figure 25: Methane Production
- Figure 26: Comparative Analysis of Methane Production from Algae and Other Sources
- Figure 27: Methane Production by Anaerobic Digestion
- Figure 28: Agar Production Process
- Figure 29: Types of Carrageenan
- Figure 30: Carrageenan Production Process
- Figure 31: Overview of Algae Carbon Capture Process
- Figure 32: Manufacture of Microalgal Extracts
- Figure 33: Production of Anti-cellulite
- Figure 34: Health Benefits of Algae
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