Waste Stabilization Pond - Definition, Glossary, Details - Oilgae
Any pond, natural or artificial, receiving raw or partially treated sewage or waste, in which stabilization occurs through sunlight, air and microorganisms. Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP), are also known by the name of oxidation ponds or lagoons. They act as holding basins for secondary wastewater treatment, Here organic matter is decomposed naturally, i.e. biologically. In WSP waste is stabilized and pathogens reduced through the action of bacteria and algae. The process aims to convert organic content of the effluent to more stable forms. These ponds are useful in treating variety of wastewater, from domestics wastewater to complex industrial waters. They can function well in wide range of weather conditions and can be used either alone or integrated with other treatment processes.It utilizes the combination of sedimentation and biological treatment using extensive detention time. These ponds are infact are large shallow excavation, in which sewage from various sewer systems drain into. The sewage in the pond uses biological process to destroy various disease-causing organisms. The effluent is discharged as treated sewage. However the pond requires regular maintenance to avoid foul odors. Source
Waste Stabilization Ponds For Wastewater Treatment:
Waste Stabilization Ponds Systems
A waste stabilization pond system, which includes an anaerobic pond and a secondary facultative pond