Sunlight Capturing Efficiency - Definition, Glossary, Details - Oilgae
Refers to the efficiency in which a solar energy device such as a photovoltaic cell captures sunlight. It is usually denoted in %, and is equal to the ratio of amount of sunlight captured by the system to the total amount of sunlight falling upon the surface area of the system
Solar efficiency: New solar cells capture more of the energy in sunlight by layering semiconducting material on top of germanium wafers, pictured here. Source
Capturing Sunlight: Indoline Dyes Improve Efficiency of Solar Cells:
3D Solar Cells Capture More Sunlight, Boost Solar Panel Efficiency :
Sunlight to Fuel Hydrogen Future: The photovoltaic cell is old news. The latest way to exploit the sun is through tiny materials that can directly convert sunlight into large amounts of hydrogen.
Capturing Sunlight: Indoline Dyes Improve Efficiency of Solar Cells New nano coating boosts solar efficiency