Planktonic Algae - Definition, Glossary, Details - Oilgae
Refer to algae that are microscopic free-floating plants. These algae are normal and essential inhabitants of sunlit surface waters.A common form of algae in ponds is plankton algae. Planktonic algae, know as green water algae or pea soup algae, are microscopic and free floating that give ponds their green color. Some planktonic algae is healthy for ponds, as it is essential for the health of aquatic life. Source
Typical planktonic algae of fresh water communities: The following are representatives of the diatoms (Chrysophyta): PInnularia, Navicularia, Surirella, Cyclotella. Green algae of the division Chlorophyta are represented by Rhizoclonium, Cladophora and Ulothrix, and flagellated members of the Chrysophyta are represented by Rhodomonas and Chrysococcus. In these latter two, the variation in flagellar number is due to the variable length of the tinsel flagellum, which may be almost absent in some taxa. Note that there are also some Cyanobacteria included in plankton collection. Source
Planktonic Algae in Ponds: These algae are microscopic free-floating plants. They are suspended in the top few feet of water of a pond or lake where light is bright enough for them to produce food by photosynthesis. The planktonic algae community in ponds is typically composed of green algae, blue-green algae, diatoms, and euglenas. Some species of planktonic algae, primarily blue-greens, can be toxic to animals and impart an odor or taste to the water.
Planktonic algae: Planktonic algae are floating microscope plants that are normal and essential inhabitants of sunlit surface waters. There are literally millions of floating planktonic algae and these color pond water shades of green, blue-green, brown or variations in between. Planktonic algae that color the water is often called a loom or algae bloom. Many species of algae are involved in algae blooms and these species change over time based on temperature, light, nutrients, and other factorsCellulose production by planktonic algae in lacustrine environments
Optimizing Lipid Production by Planktonic Algae LIPIDO