What Is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll, the green pigment found in almost all plants, algae and cyanobacteria is the vital pigment for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll molecules are arranged in and around the photosystems in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. The function of chlorophyll in plants is to absorb sunlight, which is an essential requirement for plants to carry out photosynthesis.
Send a note to Gayathri - gayathri@algae.company
Types of Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll itself is actually not a single molecule but a family of related molecules, designated chlorophyll a, b, c, and d. Chlorophyll a is the molecule found in all plant cells. Chlorophyll d is found only in marine red algae, but chlorophylls b and c are common in fresh water algae.
Sources of Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is present in all plants, most of the algae and cyanobacteria. Chlorophyll is abundant in leafy vegetables and generally to a lesser extent in fruits. For example in spinach, chlorophyll can be as high as 1% on a dry weight basis. Chlorophyll a, due to its stability properties, has been widely used as a coloring substance and is conventionally obtained from higher plants.
Benefits of Chlorophyll
- Promotes strong immune response
- Strengthens cells
- Detoxifies Liver: A powerful detoxifying agent for the liver
- Can prevent Liver Cancer
- Used in Cancer Therapy
- Cleans Digestive Tract: Acts as a strong internal deodorizer for the entire digestive tract.
- Has an anti-inflammatory property
- Cuts excess cholesterol, triglycerides and other blood lipids (fats)
- Has antioxidant properties
- Supports the production of hemoglobin: Chlorophyll has nearly identical chemical structure to hemoglobin, the body's critical oxygen and iron-carrying blood protein; stimulates haemoglobin production, which oxygenates and energizes the entire body
- Have wound-healing properties
- Chlorophyll has been studied for its potential in stimulating tissue growth, in stimulating red blood cells in connection with oxygen supply
- Scientific research has shown that Wheatgrass has antibiotic properties. It has been proven that chlorophyll will arrest growth and development of unfriendly bacteria
- Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) aids in the rebuilding the blood stream
- Eliminates Body Odor: it reduces or eliminates offensive body and breath odors
- The bland soothing effects of chlorophyll (wheatgrass) ointments are very beneficial to the treatment of various skin diseases
- Chlorophyll can also reduce or eliminate foul odor associated with burns
- The ability of chlorophyll to combine with oxygen and its cleansing ability contributes much to the removal of foreign matter from the walls of the blood vessels thus bringing the desired relief
Send a note to Gayathri - gayathri@algae.company
Recommended Dosage
100 mg two or three times daily
Side effects
Chlorophyll is mostly safe for people when taken through mouth. It should not be used by injection (intravenously) without the supervision of a medical professional.
In some cases, adverse effects may be seen such as gastrointestinal or dermatologic problems. Common gastrointestinal problems include nausea, diarrhoea, green stools, and abdominal cramping. When taken by mouth, chlorophyll may cause green discoloration of the urine.
Avoid in individuals with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to chlorophyll or any of its metabolites; contact may result in a photosensitive rash. Copper chlorophyll (E141) could be a pseudo allergen.
Use cautiously in patients with compromised liver function (jaundice), diabetes, and those taking immunosuppressant agents.
Chlorophyll is not recommended in pregnant or breastfeeding women due to a lack of available scientific evidence.
Wheat Grass Chlorophyll
Product Features
Wheatgrass is one of the best sources of natural chlorophyll up to 70% chlorophyll. Wheat grass contains:
- Vitamin A (as Natural Beta Carotene) for improved eye health and to guard against infection
- Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) to aid in the release of energy from foods and promote normal growth and development
- Vitamin C to guard against cardiovascular disease, boost immunity, aid in wound healing, help form collagen in connective tissues
- Vitamin D to maintain blood levels of calcium and promote its absorption
- Vitamin K for proper bone and blood function
- Calcium for strong bones and teeth, efficient blood clotting, nerve cell transmission and health muscle contractions
- Potassium for proper electrolyte and fluid balance
- Iron for stimulation of the bone marrow production of hemoglobin (red-blood cell that carries oxygen to other cells)
Multi Greens Super Food - 7 Wonders of Green Food Combo
Product Features
- Multi greens super food formula
- High Bio available chlorophyll
- Contents SOD, GLA Folic acids,
- Phytonutrients from whole food extracts taken from Carrot and leek
- Alkalising Formula.
Key Ingredients
Wheat grass, Barleygrass, Alfalfa, Sprillluna, Broken cell Chlorela, Green Tea extract , Spinach and Vegetable Powder.
Benefits of BioChlorophyllXpTM
- Healthy oxygenation
- Heavy metal detox
- Digestive tract detoxifier
- Healthy Skin
- Manage anemia
- Raise hemoglobin
- Enhance mental clarity
Send a note to Gayathri - gayathri@algae.company