Low-emission Car Powered by a Hybrid Engine
PermaLink - Low-emission Car Powered by a Hybrid Engine
NewNergy discusses the latest inventions, innovations and breakthroughs in the energy & environmental sciences.
PermaLink - Low-emission Car Powered by a Hybrid Engine
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BlueCool Truck's source of cooling is a high-tech cold storage unit that is charged (frozen) while the truck is running. During times of driver rest, the system utilizes only small amounts of electricity from the existing vehicle batteries (no additional batteries are needed) to circulate super-chilled coolant between the cold storage unit and a heat exchanger installed in the truck sleeper cabin. Once charged, the system uses no diesel fuel and therefore produces no emissions during the cooling operation because it runs independently of the OEM air conditioning system.
The principle behind how BlueCool Truck works is not a new discovery, it is a natural phenomenon called latent heat. It has been known for centuries that ice has poor thermal conductivity and extracting cold storage efficiently and effectively is extremely difficult. This problem has been overcome now by embedding the water/ice in a high-tech graphite matrix, with a resulting thermal conductivity that is 100 times better than a pure water/ice exchange. The design provides a highly efficient, compact and dynamic thermal energy storage system that produces an assured cooling output at a constant temperature.
Full article here - Zero-Emission, Idle-Reducing Cooling Product From Webasto Earns CARB Approval
Labels: engines, environment, transportation
PermaLink - BlueCool Truck Bunk Cooler - Zero-Emission, Idle-Reducing Cooling Product From Webasto
The MIT crowd claims this technology can boost gas mileage by as much as 30 percent, and that it allows a high-compression engine and high-boost turbocharger to operate on regular gasoline. Daniel Cohn, senior research scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment, and other MIT professors, have formed a company, Ethanol Boosting Systems, and are testing their concept with Ford Motor.
On another front, Daimler and General Motors are experimenting with motors that run on gasoline but combine features of traditional gasoline engines (fuel ignited by a spark) and diesel technology (fuel ignited by compression of fuel and air).
Labels: efficiency, engines, ethanol
PermaLink - More Power from Motors by Injecting Ethanol, Methanol or E85
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