Silicon Nanotubes for High Efficient Lithium-ion Batteries
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Labels: batteries, efficiency, electric-cars
PermaLink - Silicon Nanotubes for High Efficient Lithium-ion Batteries
NewNergy discusses the latest inventions, innovations and breakthroughs in the energy & environmental sciences.
Labels: batteries, efficiency, electric-cars
PermaLink - Silicon Nanotubes for High Efficient Lithium-ion Batteries
Labels: electric-cars, technology
PermaLink - DOE Lab Develops Smart Charging for Electric Cars
Labels: batteries, efficiency, electric-cars
PermaLink - Hybrid Nanocables To Boost Lithium-Ion Battery Technology
Labels: co2, electric-cars
PermaLink - Hybrid 4 Technology To Reduce CO2 emissions
Labels: electric-cars, fuel-cells
PermaLink - Low temperature fuel cells: Energy Efficient Technology To power Cars and Mobiles
Labels: electric-cars, green-car
PermaLink - New green car developed using Quantum Technologies
Labels: electric-cars
PermaLink - Michelin’s Active Wheel electric cars could revolutionise transportation?
Across GE's production line, work is under way to use new battery technologies to help propel tugboats, power delivery trucks and heavy machinery and even support diesel locomotives.
Lithium-ion batteries, which revolutionized consumer electronics, are being developed to power cars. Not only do they store more energy in smaller spaces, but they also lose their charges slowly. Several carmakers and GE are racing to develop new kinds of lithium-ion batteries for autos.
Full report here -Research may yield an electric car
Labels: autos, electric-cars
PermaLink - General Motors Research May Yield Chevy Volt Electric Car
Peter Rays - from Stanthorpe - says he has been able to create super-conduction at room temperature, allowing more electrical current to flow through a substance.
He says the discovery has significant uses in computer and microwave technology and could see electric cars recharged in less than five minutes.
More from here - Retired scientist claims electric car breakthroughLabels: electric-cars, inventions
PermaLink - Queensland scientist Peter Rays Claims Super-conduction Breakthrough
The car truly gives the best of both worlds. It gives the thrill of speed (its acceleration rate beats the Porsche 911 GT3) without the environmental and monetary side effects of a gas guzzling super car engine. Other benefits include the fact that the Tesla Roadster can travel 220 miles before recharging. The elictrical cost to the owner would be roughly two cents per mile. That is like the equivalent of having a 135 MPG car that can still deliver the way performance oriented sports cars should deliver. It is one truly enticing car.
Full story from here - Tesla Roadster: Electric Car Breakthrough?
Labels: autos, design, electric-cars
PermaLink - Tesla Roadster: Electric Car Breakthrough?
Mitsuhiko Yamashita, Nissan's executive vice president for research and development, said advances in lithium-ion battery technology will dramatically boost the operating range of electric vehicles, potentially broadening their appeal. The breakthrough will come with so-called fourth-generation lithium-ion batteries that will be ready by 2015, he said.
More from here
Labels: autos, batteries, electric-cars, hybrids, inventions
PermaLink - Nissan Says Newer Lithium Batteries Improve Electric Car Range
Because it will have both an electric and a gasoline motor on board, the Volt will be a hybrid. But it will be like no hybrid on the road today. Existing hybrids are gasoline-powered cars, with an electric assist to improve the gas mileage. The Volt will be an electric-powered car, with a gasoline assist to increase the battery’s range.
Source: Electro-Shock Therapy
Labels: autos, electric-cars, electricity, hybrids
PermaLink - GM Volt To Be a Game Changing Hybrid?
Drawing on experience gleaned in the development of hybrid bus propulsion systems, GM designed the two-mode EVT to provide the best combination of city and highway fuel economy; it is used in concert with the 6.0L Gen IV V-8 engine with Active Fuel Management. Furthermore, the EVT is designed to bolt directly to the standard four-wheel-drive transfer case found on the gasoline-only models for true four-wheel-drive capability.
The Escalade Hybrid’s drivetrain is made up of components, each of which works together to provide seamless, economical and comfortable operation that goes virtually unnoticed by the driver ...
Source: 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid
Labels: autos, efficiency, electric-cars, hybrids
PermaLink - GM 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid's EVT Offers Fuel Economy
Labels: electric-cars, electricity
PermaLink - E-Zip 2008 Trailz - The $350 Electric Commuter Bike
Labels: batteries, electric-cars, hybrids, inventions
PermaLink - Lithium batteries ready for the 3rd Gen. Prius
Labels: autos, electric-cars, events, fuel-cells, hybrids
PermaLink - China’s Automakers, With Beijing’s Prodding, Show Alternative-Fuel Cars
Labels: electric-cars, electricity
PermaLink - In Quest for Cleaner Energy, Texas City Touts Plug-In Car
In the beginning, there were algae,
but there was no oil Then, from algae came oil.
Now, the algae are still there, but oil is fast depleting
In future, there will be no oil, but there will still be algae
So, doesn't it make sense to explore if we can again get oil from algae?
This is what we try to do at - explore the potential of getting oil from algae