
NewNergy discusses the latest inventions, innovations and breakthroughs in the energy & environmental sciences.

SolarWindows: Small Organic Solar Cells instead of Silicon

Washington, D.C.-based New Energy Technologies, Inc. announced about the development of new tinted transparent glass SolarWindows™ capable of generating electricity by coating glass surfaces with the world’s smallest known organic solar cells.

New Energy’s SolarWindow technology uses an organic solar array, - cells for which about one-quarter the size of a blade of grass - which achieves transparency through the creative use of conducting polymers which have the same desirable electrical properties as the world’s most commercially popular semiconductor, silicon. However, the technology also boasts a considerably better capacity to absorb optically photons from light, thereby generating electricity.

The company also aimed at harnessing the energy beneath the tires using MotionPower™ technology, similar to what is used to power hybrid vehicles. The difference is, instead of being installed in cars and trucks, it’s installed in the roadways, capturing the friction energy that is otherwise dissipated as heat.

full article here

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  In the beginning, there were algae,
but there was no oil Then, from algae came oil.
Now, the algae are still there, but oil is fast depleting
In future, there will be no oil, but there will still be algae  
So, doesn't it make sense to explore if we can again get oil from algae?
This is what we try to do at - explore the potential of getting oil from algae