
NewNergy discusses the latest inventions, innovations and breakthroughs in the energy & environmental sciences.

High Efficient Spray-on Solar Panels

Australia and Braggone Oy on a three-year project to develop spray-on solar panels that are cheap and highly efficient.Traditionally, solar cells are made of silicon coated with a thin layer of anti-reflective silicon nitrate. The cells are expensive to produce because they are made in a vacuum. With the spray-on method, cells travel along a conveyor belt and are sprayed with hydrogen film and anti-reflective film as they go, thus removing the need for a vacuum.Scientists working on the project also hope to increase cell efficiency beyond the normal range of 5 to 24 percent.

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  In the beginning, there were algae,
but there was no oil Then, from algae came oil.
Now, the algae are still there, but oil is fast depleting
In future, there will be no oil, but there will still be algae  
So, doesn't it make sense to explore if we can again get oil from algae?
This is what we try to do at - explore the potential of getting oil from algae