
NewNergy discusses the latest inventions, innovations and breakthroughs in the energy & environmental sciences.

Hybrid Hydrogen-Carbon Process - A New Biofuel Breakthrough?

Hybrid Hydrogen-Carbon Process - A New Biofuel Breakthrough?
March 14, 2007
By Rene O'Deay

A new process of creating biofuels could lead to the US becoming an exporter of oil, instead of an importer, according to Purdue University Scientists.

The new process is called H2CAR for "hybrid hydrogen-carbon process." This process (H2CAR) can be used to provide a sustainable fuel supply to meet the needs of the entire U.S. transportation sector...

H2CAR will enable us to use our current fuel delivery system and internal combustion engines. The method can also be used to produce liquid gas from coal without the production of CO2, eliminating the need for carbon dioxide sequestering.

Read the full post from here @ Alternative Energy Products


  In the beginning, there were algae,
but there was no oil Then, from algae came oil.
Now, the algae are still there, but oil is fast depleting
In future, there will be no oil, but there will still be algae  
So, doesn't it make sense to explore if we can again get oil from algae?
This is what we try to do at - explore the potential of getting oil from algae